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Where do the billfish go? Using recreational catch data to relate local and basin scale environmental conditions to billfish occurrence in the Eastern Tropical Pacific. 

2021. Fisheries Oceanography. Danielle E. Haulsee, Hannah E. Blondin, Ryan K. Logan, Larry B. Crowder. 

Promoting equity in the use of algorithms for high-seas conservation.

2021. One Earth. Melissa S. Chapman, William K. Oestreich, Timothy H. Frawley, Carl Boettiger, Sibyl Diver, Bianca S. Santos, Caleb Scoville, Katrina Armstrong, Hannah Blondin, Kevin Chand, Danielle E. Haulsee, Christopher J. Knight, Larry B. Crowder.

A satellite‐based mobile warning system to reduce interactions with an endangered species.

2021. Ecological Applications. Matthew W. Breece, Matthew J. Oliver, Dewayne A. Fox, Edward A. Hale, Danielle E. Haulsee, Matthew Shatley, Steven J. Bograd, Elliott L. Hazen, Heather Welch.

Simple is sometimes better: a test of the transferability of species distribution models.

2021. ICES Journal of Marine Science. Danielle E. Haulsee, Matthew W. Breece, Dewayne A. Fox, Matthew J. Oliver.

Comparative migration ecology of striped bass and Atlantic sturgeon in the US Southern mid-Atlantic bight flyway.

2020. PloS one. Ella R. Rothermel, Matthew T. Balazik, Jessica E. Best, Matthew W. Breece, Dewayne A. Fox, Benjamin I. Gahagan, Danielle E. Haulsee, Amanda L. Higgs, Michael H.P. O’Brien, Matthew J. Oliver, Ian A. Park, David H. Secor

Occurrence of commercially important and endangered fishes in Delaware Wind Energy Areas using acoustic telemetry.

2020. OCS Study BOEM 2020-020. Danielle E. Haulsee, Dewayne A. Fox, Matthew J. Oliver. 80.p

Spatial ecology of Carcharias taurus in the northwestern Mid-Atlantic coastal ocean.

2018. Marine Ecology Progress Series. Danielle E. Haulsee, Matthew W. Breece, Lori M. Brown, Bradley M. Wetherbee, Dewayne A. Fox, Matthew J. Oliver

Satellite driven distribution models of endangered Atlantic sturgeon occurrence in the mid-Atlantic Bight.

2018. ICES Journal of Marine Science. Matthew W. Breece, Dewayne A. Fox, Danielle E. Haulsee, Isaac I. Wirgin, Matthew J. Oliver

Atlantic Sturgeon and Sand Tiger Acoustic Detections Matched to Oceanographic Conditions in the Mid-Atlantic.

2018. Ocean Tracking Network Dataset. Danielle E. Haulsee

Factors affecting detection efficiency of mobile telemetry Slocum gliders.

2017. Animal Biotelemetry. Matthew J. Oliver, Matthew W. Breece, Danielle E. Haulsee, Megan A. Cimino, Josh Kohut, David Aragon, Dewayne A. Fox

Social network analysis reveals potential fission-fusion behavior in a shark.

2016. Scientific ReportsDanielle E. Haulsee, Dewayne A. Fox, Matthew W. Breece, Lori M. Brown, Jeff Kneebone, Gregory B. Skomal, Matthew J. Oliver

Separation anxiety: mussels self-organize into similar power-law clusters regardless of predation threat cues.

2016. Marine Ecology Progress Series. John A. Commito, Natasha J. Gownaris, Danielle E. Haulsee, Sara E. Coleman, Brian F. Beal

Implantation and recovery of long-term archival transceivers in a migratory shark with high site fidelity.

2016. PLOS one. Danielle E. Haulsee, Dewayne A. Fox, Matthew W. Breece, Tonya M. Clauss, Matthew J. Oliver

Habitat selection of a coastal shark species estimated from an autonomous underwater vehicle.

2015. Marine Ecology Progress Series. Danielle E. Haulsee, Matthew W. Breece, Douglas C. Miller, Bradley M. Wetherbee, Dewayne A. Fox, Matthew J. Oliver

Shrinking the haystack: using an AUV in an integrated ocean observatory to map Atlantic Sturgeon in the coastal ocean.

2013. Fisheries. Matthew J. Oliver, Matthew W. Breece, Dewayne A. Fox, Danielle E. Haulsee, Josh T. Kohut, John Manderson, Tom Savoy

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